Welcome to JNP STUDIO !
My studio is located in the same shopping center as Panera. My suite is room #105. Please ring the buzzer labeled "JNP BEAUTY" . Inform us in advance if you will be arriving with a visitor. NO PETS ARE ALLOWED.
Rescheduling & Cancelations
Here at JNP BEAUTY we greatly value our time and clients. We allow a 15 min grace period for all clients to arrive to their appointment. Anything after will be charged a $20 late fee.
Appointments canceled or rescheduled on the prior business day of a scheduled appt. will be automatically charged a rescheduling fee of $20. Appointments canceled or reschedule on the same business day will be charged 50% of the cancelled appointment cost. If a client "No Show" any appointment, they will be automatically charged the full amount of the missed service. To avoid any charges, please give us 72hr notice for having to move any of your appointments.
You are responsible for reading our Policy prior to booking